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Pregnant with style and glamor - this is Sweetbelly Couture, the label for exclusive maternity wear. Sweetbelly is a collection for pregnant women - trend-setters who are looking for something special and who appreciate unique and extraordinary pregnancy. With Sweetbelly Couture, all pregnant fashionistas can get a pinch of "Hollywood" to Europe. Trend themes are implemented perfectly and can also be worn comfortably. Prominent pregnant women like GZSZ star Susan Sideropoulos, top model Franziska Knuppe and many more love the glamorous look of Sweetbelly maternity wear and wear the stylish outfits with enthusiasm on the red carpet and private. High-quality materials and a trendy couture style make the look of Sweetbelly maternity wear. The collection is a real pleasure to be "Pregnant"

in the fashionable dresses, refined jackets for pregnant women, sexy shirts for the baby belly and perfectly fitting maternity pants. Great accessories such as a luxurious bellyband made of fine satin or shawl complement the collection perfectly. For the stylish appearance at all festive occasions Sweetbelly offers elegant festive maternity wear - noble pants suits and dreamlike evening dresses for pregnant women

The appropriate outfit for the job can be found in the area of business circumstance - who is looking for a maternity wear for the office, a stylish maternity skirt or an elegant circumstance blouse is here in the best way. The bridal wear for pregnant women from Sweetbelly Couture is also enchanting - fantastic maternity dresses made of flowing fabrics and noble lace as well as elegant ensembles for the most beautiful day. All models are also available in the Sweetbelly maternity wear Boutique in Giessen . Also interesting for the search for circumstance in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden.